Southam Car Boot
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Pick up a bargain, or turn pre-loved items into cash at the Southam Car Boot sale, running Saturdays, Sundays and Bank holiday Mondays.
As we near the end of the season it is always recommended you check out the Southam Car Boot Facebook page to check whether the car boot is on.
Open: from 8am
Admission: £1 (children free)
Seller pitches: Cars £11, Vans £14
If you require further information please private message the Facebook page.
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Sign posted from smith’s industries traffic lights. Next to (BUT NOT ON) Cheltenham Race Course, GL52 3PE.
- Bring a paste table, picnic table or sheeting to display your goods.
- Have an idea of a price that you want for your items but be prepared to bargain.
- Just turn up, pay at the gate and our friendly stewards will direct you onto the sellers site.
- Bring a chair